فطرتِ مائہِ تخلیق
ہے لذّت طلبی نہ دبی
آتشِ اِظہارِ محبّت نہ
(Pleasure is the
essence of matter of creation; How could I suppress then my fiery urge to express my passion!)
Child is father of man!
I suppose there are people who grew from a child into a man or a woman. I did not. I am still the child I
was. I will always be the child that I am. I never want to grow into anything which is not that child.
I wanted people who have a restless soul like me to know things that I have observed, to see a few sights
that caught my eyes..If you too are interested in researching the socio econonmic condition of urban and rural poor in
India, of classical artisans, of farmers, of minorities, of women etc you can contact me at my mail ID masoodrezvi@hotmail.com ! For more details kindly see Miles to go. You can also contact me if you have a photoproject in mind on history, monuments, handicraft, ecosystems and
biodiversity, etc.
“If ‘Fourth Estate’ news organizations become political
actors, we need a ‘Fifth Estate,’ another group of writers and thinkers who police the press. Internet news has
gained tremendous power and influence in recent years precisely because Americans distrust many television and print press
outlets. With lightning speed, the incessant bloggers on the Internet call attention to distortions in the mainstream press.
Furthermore, there is a body of original information available on the Internet that does not appear elsewhere. In short, the
New Media is becoming the ‘Fifth Estate’.” —Jeffrey Kuhner, editor of Insight on the News
Quoted from TALK CITIZEN - 2007-2008
Reaction of a friend who lives on the other side of this planet
Hi Masood,
I visited your website .. it's a wonderful place that you've built!
I was moved by your stories and your plight to help those less fortunate. It is so sad that no matter what country or what
city we live, this type of poverty exists. It doesn't seem fair that so many live with so little .. that children have to
suffer. You are doing a wonderful thing for these people just by telling their story through your words and your pictures.
You should be very proud for your efforts and I wish you the very best in this endeavor. The people of Lucknow will
be a little bit better off because of you.
Another friend writes from Prague
I don't know India. I know Kipling, ............. He forces the reader to see through the eyes of the narrator and see the things that are dirty and ugly. And
maybe this is why many people hate him as he doesn't apologize for what he presents, but commands attention.
And this
you must do for yourself with words as well as with your pictures and you should never apologize for yourself: your insights
or your profession. ................................................................
Mary C Legg
Am not I a child like thee? |
I see in this picture taken by me, a symbolic depiction of my own soul! |
What's New?
June 1, 2008 Tinkering with another site - Literacy initiative for Indian Muslims - aaghaz foundation.
May 6, 2008 The Business of Poverty - How Low is the Bottom of Pyramid
May 1, 2008 India: homeless children in the streets - A video report
April 2, 2008 Are you a connoisseur of Lakhnawi Urdu If you are visit this Urdu Daily News Paper Site www.lashkar.in from
Lucknow. I have very recently made it afresh in Urdu unicode. You will definitely enjoy it.
January 30,2008 A Poetic Memoir to the Construction of Husainabad
January 29,2008 Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind!
January 25,2008 The husainabad Imambargah at Lucknow
January 24,2008 Another City
January 17,2008 Husain the voice of freedom against terror
October 27, 2007 His Excellency the Honourable Governor of Uttar Pradesh, kindly approved my nomination by the State Government
as a Member of the State Level Committee for Implementation of Prime Ministers New 15-Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities.
I request all members of Minority Communities viz., Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Zorastrians and Neo Budhists in Uttar Pradesh
to kindly keep me updated on the implementation of this programme at masoodrezvi@gmail.com so that I may effectively discharge
my duties as a member of this elite committee
October 15, 2007 The Reality Shows!